Saturday, March 16, 2024

March: Mystery blocks & Row-by-Row introduction

We had a good meeting, with about three-quarters of the members present.  Most of us brought sewing machines (several were Featherweights!) to make the two presented mystery blocks.

Topics of this meeting:

  • This was the last month to pay dues. 
  • Lydia handed out a schedule of this year's programs, in case anyone wants a hardcopy.
  • Show & Tell
  • Leslie handed out directions for this year's Row Robin.
  • Charlene and Ruth presented mystery blocks for us to sew.
  • Kathy K. brought the recipe for the Cranberry bars everyone enjoyed at our December meeting.
  • We're missing the medium cutting mat that lives on our shelf.  Please check to see if it might have accidentally come home with you.

Show & Tell

Leslie made a dent in her fabric stash again.  This is the International Sister Block from the Sew Preeti blog.

Sandra O's niece wanted a quilt for her granddaughter, who kept asking for it to be bigger!

Jean R brought another quilt made from the half-square triangle blocks we contributed last summer.

Some of us made the Primitive Whirligig block using Jean S's kits.  This is Marlene's.

Charlene's pin cushion was so darling!  She didn't present it for Show & Tell, but I have to make sure more people see it!

Mystery Blocks

Charlene presented Picket fence.

Here's her block.

You'll need 2-6 fabrics.  For 6, you'll need 1 or 2 light fabrics and 4 medium to dark fabrics.

  1. Cut a 4 1/2" x 9" rectangle from each of your fabrics.  If you only have one light fabric, cut 2 rectangles.
  2. Cut the same corner off each rectangle using the template Charlene provided.
  3. Sew the diagonal edges together in pairs.  You'll have 3 strips when you're done.
  4. Set the strips together, keeping the light fabrics on opposite corners if you want to make the Friendship Star.  If you don't want to make the Friendship Star, put the light fabrics anywhere you want to.

If you make four, and match up the same corners, you'll make a Friendship Star.




Sandra O's


Ruth presented Oh Susanna.

Here's her block.

You'll need 3 fabrics.


  • Fabric #1: 4 - 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" squares
  • Fabric #1: 2 - 4" x 4" squares
  • Fabric #2: 4 - 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" squares
  • Fabric #3: 4 - 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" squares
  • Fabric #3: 2 - 4" x 4" squares
  1. Make half-square triangles out of the 4" squares by sewing them together on both sides of a diagonal line through the corners.  Trim the resulting HSTs to 3 1/2" squares.
  2. Sew all squares together according to the diagram.

Leslie made 2.

Instructions for the Row Robin beginning in April.

Cranberry-pecan bars that Kathy brought to the December 2023 holiday party.

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