Saturday, January 18, 2025

January 2025 planning meeting

 This was a very well attended planning meeting.  Thank you, everyone who came!  Special thanks to those who volunteered to lead activities!


    We voted to continue having dues and to let our bank account subsidize our rent on this space.

    Dues for this year will be $20-$50, on a sliding scale.  Pay what you can to remain a member.   Lydia will accept cash or a check made out to "Needle and I".  The March meeting is the deadline.



Sandra's cousin's wife made this to celebrate Sandra's 80th birthday.

Leslie made 3 quilts for donation.  One was from the kits distributed last summer.

This is an I Spy pattern.

                    It's hard to see in the photo but this kit's fabrics contained lots of animals.

                                    Fabric from the Auffle and her stash when into this one.

Patti's friend had a house fire and the quilts his wife made were smoky.  She has been laundering them with soaks in white vinegar and using Mane & Tail shampoo as the soap.

Ruth showed us this quilt that she demonstrated in a meeting several years ago.  She's brought it back to remind us of how easy a donation quilt is to make.  

Gail will donate this top when it's quilted. 

Gail also heard from a previous member, Marilyn, who had shared with her some Christmas decor, including an exceedingly cute ornament made by another former member, Janet Kime.  That adorable sheep is knitting from its own wool coat.  

                This is Marilyn's Christmas tree that she made by macramé. 



Bring hand work.
Demo Blocks
Ruth, Leslie, Terry
Bring sewing machine.
Quilt Kits
Bring [options]. See below.
Skill Class
Leslie, Terry
Bindings, Slippers
Demo Blocks
Charlene, Patti, Sandra P
Bring sewing machine and fabric.
Need volunteer(s)
Making Donation Quilt
Jean R
Bring sewing machine.
Dessert Pot Luck
In the park
Make Snowmen Ornaments and Gift Card Holders
Barbara, Lydia
Bring sewing machine.
Bring your unwanteds.

Need volunteer(s)
Holiday Party
Justine, Marlene, Sandra O


  1. There will be 6 mystery blocks presented this year, in two meetings.  Instructions for cutting pieces for these blocks will be supplied ahead of the meeting.
  2. We need people to volunteer to present an activity for June and November.  Remember that participation is what makes this guild fun. 
  3. March: Optional ways to participate. 
    • Bring 2 yds of contrasting fabrics to cut at the meeting. 
    • Bring your fabric precut in either 6 ½ “ or 8 ½ “ squares (for exchanging with others).
    • Bring a Ziplock bag to hold your finished fabric kit. 
    • Bring sewing machine to sew the precuts. Bring rotary cutter and mat and ruler.

Friday, December 13, 2024

December holiday party

 We gathered for food, a tea towel exchange, and Show & Tell.

Show & Tell

Linda brought this quilt that her husband's grandmother had hand-pieced and hand-quilted sometime ago when it was in awful condition.  Leslie saved it!

Marlene made this for her step-daughter, who requested these colors.  Leslie quilted it.

Sandra O. made this seasonally appropriate quilt.  Leslie quilted it.

Leslie got these Trip Around the World blocks from the Auffle.  She's put them together and quilted them.  This is for donation.

Leslie also got a bunch of 2.5 inch and 4 inch squares of Hawaiian fabric in the Auffle.  They were tough to put together, being such different sizes.  She quilted it and will donate it.

She said she has more of these Hawaiian squares if anyone wants them.


As we did last year, we decorated 3 tables. 

Here's a closer look at the figurine at the center of the table.

This table holds the wrapped tea towels from the 10 people participating in the exchange.


There were two tables of food.

January meeting

Planning -- bring ideas for activities that you want to participate in next year

Handwork -- it's a thinking meeting, so bring something to occupy your hands

Monday, November 18, 2024

November: quick gifts

About half our number came to this sharing of quickly made gifts.  We made key fobs as directed by Jean and zip bags from Lydia.  Photos of each are below.

But first, Show & Tell.

Jean brought 3 quilts.

Lydia brought this one.

Ruth took a trip to Bali and came back with a bag, a table runner, and fabric

Jean S lead us in making these key fobs.  

Lydia lead us in making these zip bags.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

It's October so it's the Auffle!

 Another good Auffle supporting this Guild took place.  Unfortunately several members missed it due to illness.  And we welcomed Susan, Leslie's sister, who was visiting from the Netherlands.

A few points of business:

  1. Our 2025 rent was paid.
  2. Jean S donated a cutting mat for our meetings.  Thank you!
  3. New donation quilt labels are in the cupboard.  Thanks, Lydia!
  4. January's meeting will be devoted to planning our 2025 events, so put your thinking cap on. 

Show & Tell

Row robins were returned to their owners.  Hopefully they'll be finished and returned for show in future meetings.  

Here are some pictures.

These quilts are destined for North Carolina's relief efforts.

Patti brought more gnomes for show & tell.

Lydia also brought show & tell.

Look at all the offerings for the Auffle.


For the November meeting, we will have 2 demonstrations of quick easy gifts to make.

1. Jean S will teach key fobs and will provide materials.

2. Lydia will teach simple zip bags and will provide materials.


December's meeting

Annual holiday party.  Participate in 4 ways.

  1. Form a group.  Decorate a table.  Best dressed table gets first choice in the gift exchange. 
  2. Contribute to the gift exchange by bringing a tea towel, either purchased or made.  Wrap it.
  3. Contribute to the pot luck by bringing finger foods or desserts.  NOTHING to be kept warm.
  4. Bring your own plate, flatware, and cup. Hot water and tea and sugar will be provided.