Saturday, September 17, 2022

September '22 meeting

We're keeping Jean S in our thoughts at this trying time.

We started with some business.

  1. On this night of smoke and note-worthy football, 11 of us made it to the meeting.
  2. The Auffle is next month.  All of us will set it up since there doesn't seem to be an organizer.
  3. We discussed whether we want to start paying dues for our rental of the space, or continue to pay the rent out of the treasury.
  4. Lydia will email instructions for everything we need to bring in November for the bowl-making lesson. We will make a small coin bowl.
  5. Lydia brought a guest, Kirsten, and she sewed along with us.


Three more of us made Leslie's Tennessee block from July.

Lydia's Ukrainian flag colors

Ruth's fall colors

Sandra's blue and green theme

Hope brought the fusible appliqué she made after Sue's demonstration 

.Marlene made lots of quilts for donation


Nice Penguins.

The darker print is also the backing (below).

The backing.


Gail chose Double Pinwheel for our block of the month.  You can find instructions at Quilters Cache, where it's known as Pinwheel.  It's also known as Windmill.

You'll need to cut:

2  red squares at 6 7/8", and cut each once on the diagonal

1 white square at 7 1/4" and cut it twice on the diagonal

1 blue square at 7 1/4" and cut it twice on the diagonal

Sew a white triangle to a blue triangle on their short sides.  Repeat with the other 3 pairs of triangles and be sure to sew all four the same way (this is important). Press.

Sew the long edge of the blue/white triangle pair to the long edge of a red triangle.  Repeat with the other 3 pairs.  Press.

Sew blue edges to red edges as you see in the finished block, above.  Then sew the pairs of squares together to finish the block.

Mystery Table Runner

by Ruth and Lydia

The inspiration:

Ruth's runner

Lydia's runner

Detail of Lydia's decorative leaf stitching

The fabric kit

strata for two pumpkins
3 leaves per pumpkin
brown for two stems
Fabric Needed:

    Orange prints: in 1 1/2" strips, and at least 6 1/2" long

    Brown for stems:  2 1/2" square, 1 square is enough for two stems

    Greens, for leaves: 3 per pumpkin, each from 2" x 3 1/2" scraps

    Background: 1 1/2" squares, 4 per pumpkin

                        2 x 6 1/2 for the top of the orange strata

                        2 1/2 x 6 1/2 between each pumpkin

                        more for sashing, see below

1. Assemble the strata by sewing 6 orange strips together and cut a 5" segment for each pumpkin.

2. Draw the diagonal onto 4 of the 1 1 /2" background squares and place these on the corners of the strata.

3. Sew on the drawn line.  Trim and press to the corner.

4. Sew the 2" x 6 1/2" background piece to the top of the strata. Press.
5. Appliqué the stem, and then the leaves to the background piece added in step 4.  Take care to make sure your stem and leaves are more than 1/4" from the top edge.

6. Repeat these instructions for each pumpkin block you wish to include in your table runner.  

To sew pumpkin blocks together, you'll need a 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" strip of background fabric between them.
Finish as desired.  Ruth's runner has 2" x 14 1/2" background strips on top and bottom of four pumpkins.  The left and right ends have 2 1/2" x 9 1/2" background strips and the printed border is 3" wide.

Lydia recommends Heat N Bond Light (the pink labelled one won't gum up your machine needle) or Steam a Seam Light fusibles for the leaves and stems.

Guild members' work

Ruth won the door prize!

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